Here are the videos of the Conversion, Covenant, Hope and the Human Future hosted by the Van Leer Institute in Jerusalem 13-14th Feb 2011. I appear in session 4 at 21.08. Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, the power behind this project, appears in session 3, beginning 50 minutes in.
Covenant and Hope in the human future
Conversion, Covenant and Hope in the human future: New Frontiers in Jewish and Christian Thought
Van Leer Institute Jerusalem 13-14 February 2011
Is it desirable for gentiles to convert to Judaism? Is there a place for Christianity and Christians in the covenant between God and the Jewish people? On what basis can Jews and Christians hope for a better future between them and for the world?
This International Conference is co-sponsored by The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute and the Institute for Theological Inquiry (ITI) of the Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation (CJCUC) in Efrat. It centers around the original research project of ITI scholars on the topics of ?Covenant, Mission and Relation to the Other? and ?Hope and Responsibility for the Human Future.? As the capital of the Jewish people, the birthplace of Christianity and the locus of so much international religious conflict, Jerusalem is the ideal venue for discussions of conversion, interreligious relations and hope for the future of civilization.
Apparently we are going to be live-streamed to the world. So if you have any questions about civilisation or about the human future, just ask.
Secularism and Justice
The Tyndale Kirby Laing Institute of Christian Ethics is co-hosting two day conferences
Responding to Secularism: Christian Witness in a Dogmatic Public Culture 24 April 2009, Tyndale House, Cambridge – a day conference on mission and contemporary culture with the Gospel and Our Culture Network
Dr Dominic Erdozain (King’s College, London) on the growth of secularity in modern British culture
Prof John Stackhouse (Regent College, Vancouver) on public engagement in a secularised culture
Rev Dr Andrew Kirk (formerly University of Birmingham) on Charles Taylor’s A Secular Age
Dr Elaine Storkey (TEAR Fund) on responding to the secularist worldview
Justice: Rights and Wrongs. A Colloquium with Prof Nicholas Wolterstorff May 21-22 2009 Christ Church, Oxford with the McDonald Centre for Theology, Ethics and Public Life
Prof Onora O’Neill (British Academy; Philosophy)
Prof Roger Crisp (Oxford; Philosophy)
Prof Timothy Endicott (Oxford; Law)
Prof Julian Rivers (Bristol, Law) (former KLICE Advisory Council Chair)
Dr Bernd Wannenwetsch (McDonald Centre; Theology)
Dr John Perry (McDonald Centre; Theology)
Life together
Fertility and Faith – A day conference, with talks, Q&A and panel discussion, on fertility, infertility, marriage and love
Saturday 21st February from 10am in the Catholic Chaplaincy, Oxford
Fertility and Faith: An introduction – Fr Tim Finigan (Founder, Association of Priests for the Gospel of Life)
Marriage and Meaning – Anthony McCarthy (Research Fellow, Linacre Centre for Healthcare Ethics)
Natural Fertility: Practical Approaches – Ira Winter (Life FertilityCare Coordinator)
Seeking Truth: Science, Mystery and Human Identity
The Battle for Truth, God and the Universe, Stories of Evolution, Body and Soul
Four Public Dialogues in St Paul’s Cathedral
Tuesday 7, 14, 21, 28 October 6.30 – 8.00pm
Nancy Cartwright
Nicholas Lash
John Milbank
Roger Trigg
David Burrell
Frances Young
Steve Jones
Alister McGrath
John Polkinghorne
Keith Ward
Robert Winston
I might pop along to hear David Burrell – he might have something to say about truth, mystery and human identity.
Theology of the Body – but not for us
Third Annual National Theology of the Body conference – in Dublin
For Theology of the Body in the UK, it is off to London Colney (25-26 October) with Faith and Family.
Resources for Natural Family Planning Awareness Week are available from the US Conference of Catholic Bishops. Our own Robert Colquhoun offers some resources of his own. Meanwhile we wait for St Patrick’s Soho to announce its term card.
The Society for the Study of Christian Ethics 2008 2008 Annual Conference is 5th-7th September at Westcott House, Cambridge. The conference theme is The Sermon on the Mount
Rt Hon John Battle – MP, Leeds, Former Faith Advisor to the Prime Minister
Richard Bauckham – Professor Emeritus of New Testament, University of St Andrews
Carolyn Muessig – Senior Lecturer in Medieval Theology, University of Bristol
Oliver O’Donovan – Professor of Christian Ethics and Practical Theology, Edinburgh University
Susan Parsons – President, Society Study of Christian Ethics, Editor, Studies in Christian Ethics
Glen Stassen – Lewis B. Smedes Professor of Christian Ethics, Fuller Theological Seminary
Brian Brock
Kirby Laing Institute for Christian Ethics Annual Book Colloquium
3-4 September 2008 Tyndale House, Cambridge
A one-day colloquium on Brian Brock’s Singing the Ethos of God: On the Place of Christian Ethics in Scripture
Bernd Wannenwetsch
Gordon Wenham
Hans Reinders
Brian Brock
It was Brian who showed me Augustine’s theology of the Whole Christ
International Society for MacIntyrean Philosophy – Revolutionary Aristotelianism, Thomism, Virtue Theory, Social Theory, and Politics
Theory, Practice, and Tradition: Human Rationality in Pursuit of the Good Life July 30 through August 3, 2008 St. Meinrad, Indiana, USA
You know Alasdair MacIntyre is a Brit? We’ll have him back when you have finished with him.
John Owen conference
A conference on the theology of John Owen
Westminster College
Cambridge, UK
19–22 August 2008
Willem van Asselt
Utrecht University, Holland
Stephen R Holmes
St Mary’s College, University of St Andrews, UK
Michael S Horton
Westminster Seminary, California, USA
George Hunsinger
Princeton Theological Seminary, New Jersey, USA
Kelly M Kapic
Covenant College, Georgia, USA
Suzanne MacDonald
Calvin College, Grand Rapids, USA
Sebastian Rehnman
Johannelunds Theological Seminary, Sweden
Alan Spence
United Reformed Church, London, UK
Carl R Trueman
Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, USA
Further details at John Owen Today and a booking forms from