
So it is time to get this blog up. It is going to be a disrupted beginning. Today I have been left in charge of the bouncing babe all morning, for the first time. This is only possible because he is now taking a bit of rice in milk. He is not at all keen on the bottle but he will have to get keener. So circumstances – the yelling in the background – will mean that this blog stays fairly spontaneous for a bit.

Here are my thoughts. I will do say three entries a week, one will be me chuntering on, two will be paragraphs culled from a classic and a contemporary piece of theology. I want to show you who is worth reading, talk about the movements I think are worth learning from and pursuing, and try out my own work on you.

So I am going to recommend some authors and books to you. Nothing controversial there. Of course the book I really want to put in front of you is my own – but I can at least talk through some of the exploring that went on in the course of writing it. More of that later.

And I think it would be easiest to let the church year serve as our agenda. I want to talk a little about the Sunday service, its three readings from Scripture – and that will give us the opportunity to talk through some real Christology – who Jesus Christ is and what difference he makes.