The police not enforce the law against the criminal manifestations of the slave cult. But they do enforce silence on whoever points out the criminal manifestations of the cult. We can only reply that it is our duty as citizens to report crime to the police. We can only ask the police to uphold the law. We can remind them that they are officers of the law. We remind them that they are we are all equal under the law, that no one is above the law, that there is no special group that may not be criticised, challenged or offended. We can hold them accountable. We can stand outside police stations, Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) offices and courts as reminder to those who work there of the responsibility of public office, of the absolute nature of justice. Justice is impartial, we can say. There is an impartial judge, he is the source of law and arbiter between all men. We worship him, and to do so we defy all other powers.