Augustine's Economy group

James Featherby is speaking at the first meeting of the Economy Working Group of the Saint Augustine Institute, today, Friday, 8th October 2010. James Feather will take us on his

Personal Journey through the City and Leviticus: One family’s exploration of Jubilee in an urban, post-modern, debt- driven, non-communal and never-resting world

James is author of The White Swan Formula: Rebuilding Finance and Business for the Common Good

Our problems are in reality human, not technical. They are philosophical and psychological, not regulatory or economic…
F?rst, let us not rush past the moment in which we now stand. We will not learn lessons unless we engage fully with the consequences of our mistakes. A key part of that is a proper engagement with the pain caused by our shortcomings…

I am sorry that doesn’t give you much notice. But you can admire the Institute’s website. I have posted a couple of short pieces on the Economy page