Well-ordered worship – Anglican canons

1. All persons present in the time of divine service shall audibly with the minister make the answers appointed and in due place join in such parts of the service as are appointed to be said or sung by all present.

2. They shall give reverent attention in the time of divine service, give due reverence to the name of the Lord Jesus and stand at the Creed and the reading of the Holy Gospel at the Holy Communion. When the Prayers are read and Psalms and canticles are said or sung, they shall have regard to the rubrics of the service and locally established custom in the matter of posture, whether of standing, kneeling or sitting.

Canons of the Church of England – Divine Service B 9 Of reverence and attention to be used in the time of divine service

Canons, you ask? What are canons? Canons are the rules that enable Christian discipleship and the freedom that results from it. They enable learning, formation, discipline and the mutual service of Christian love. Ask your clergy how the canons enable us to learn mutual love, and whether they are grateful for the good ruling, practices and traditions of the faith they have received. We don’t need to make this faith up, you see, because it has been given to us. It is a gift, and as we recognise it for what it is, we also pass this gift on, undefaced.